Gone are the days when online roulette was just software based, as interactive as your computer monitor, but thanks to the advancement of technology because avid players of online roulette will now get to experience the real deal - playing live online web cam roulette with live dealers that they get to interact with. The popularity and quality of webcam roulette casinos with chat is growing really fast.
What is a Live Webcam Roulette?
As compared to the typical online roulette that makes use of a random number generator so as to promote fair game, live webcam roulette has live dealers who spin the wheel. The live dealers can be seen spinning the roulette wheel and throwing the ball via the webcam, just like in live casinos. Webcam roulette also features roulette chat window where players can interact with the web cam roulette dealers.
Advantages of Live Roulette
There are many advantages that live roulette with web cam live dealers can give its players:
- Dealer Spins the Ball not RNG - the players get to see the webcam roulette dealer in action as she spins the wheel or throws the ball, and this allays the fear of some that live dealer roulette can be rigged.
- Roulette Chat Option - live roulette promotes social interaction, especially since players can chat with the web cam dealer through roulette chat box and sometimes with the other roulette players as well. By this, the player gets to feel what it really is like to be in brick-and-mortar casinos, playing roulette.
- Good Looking Dealers - it is without a doubt that live roulette dealers are beautiful, and to play live roulette with beautiful web cam dealers is way better than to play online roulette and simply staring at the computer.
- Atmosphere - sounds of web cam roulette are just like in the brick-and-mortar casinos because of its real-time video streaming feature, so this really makes you feel that you are in one as you play live roulette.
- Excellent Graphics- the "graphics" of live roulette are crisp and excellently done - transmitted through webcam, and this can really add excitement to your gameplay.
Disadvantages of Live Roulette
There is one big disadvantage though when you play live roulette. You will notice that the webcam game is a bit slower in live dealer roulette than in software based online roulette. However, this should not deter you though from enjoying the game of webcam roulette. And you can always play more live dealer roulette games at different live dealer casinos at the same time. And in the end thanks to the chat roulette feature the webcam roulette games are so much more enjoyable and the time seems to be going really fast.
Choosing an Online Casino with Webcam Roulette
Live roulette is one of the ways wherein online casinos attract players, but before you go and join the first online casino that you see offering web cam roulette, make sure you play only at casinos with bulletproof reputation. Bonuses and promotions that these webcam roulette casinos are offering are worth your money and time. Lastly, you also need to read and understand its wagering requirements before you sign up with the web cam roulette online casino before you deposit any money. Some live dealer roulette casinos can have some important features as "betting racetrack" for placing neighbor bets or various statistics about previous numbers. Casinator.com did for you the comparison. In the right column can be found the complete review of best online casinos with live dealer roulette.